The Minor Arcana > Page of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

Card Theme: Patience
Element: Earth

You see a young man leaning on his spade. He looks pleased with himself as he is enjoying this break from work while gazing at his crop of Six Pentacles arranged on a plant, and a Seventh Pentacle is lying at his feet.


The Seven of Pentacles suggest that you have a goal in sight, and you are close to achieving it. It’s not the time to stop and think.

The Seven of Pentacles represents hard work and productive ventures. It’s the card of evaluation. It means the plateau that you might find yourself on along the path of life—those times when you need to rest and see where you are and what you should do next.

It is common for you to find yourself in a rut, banging your head against the same brick wall looking at the exact solutions to the same problem. This can cause you to keep repeating the same patterns and habits. Because you haven’t been able to find any alternatives, and there may seem to be a certain point in your life that it feels challenging to change the way you do things,

To grow, you need to make sure that you are making excellent and conscious decisions. These choices should reflect where you are today, your feelings, dreams, ambitions, and not your goals from yesterday.

It is perfectly alright to let go of a dream or an idea that you feel no longer works for you or feels right. This does not equate to failure because you were not able to achieve something. But you should be proud that you can be true to yourself and move forward. Maybe your dreams are now more ambitious than you realized or are more vital now than you previously thought, or perhaps they are less as you begin to slow down. Either way, an essential thing to contemplate is that the truth is obtained from sincere and honest contemplation of who you are now and what you need or want for yourself. Enjoy this time, and reward yourself for your hard work.

It may be that you are on the verge of making significant changes in your life. The Seven of Pentacles suggests that financially you are comfortable or about to make a decision that will change your financial potential.

Maybe you have recently felt that the path you are on is not the one for you. Look out for any feelings of low motivation or merely a lack of enthusiasm.

The Seven of Pentacles asks you to take some time and check the mental road maps that you have been using to get yourself through life and see if any adjustments need to be made. Now is the time of reflection, and it requires you to be objective and ensure that you are on the best path.

Try and speak to yourself as if you were talking to a good friend. You might ask your friend to tell you about their current issues and ask how they are dealing with them. Then you might kindly and compassionately suggest alternative strategies that you feel are more productive for them. Of course, you want the best for your friend, and that is precisely what you should want for yourself—the best.

The correct answers to your questions might take time to come to you.

But often, the wisest voice within you is also the quietest. Be patient and trusting, and listen to your inner voice.

Nothing in life ever comes easy. And you have to invest your hard work to benefit from it.

Now you are entering a very successful phase in your life. There may have been past difficulties, but you are about to venture on to a new path. The Seven of Pentacles suggests success, and it is right for you to keep those seeds you planted and watch this unique opportunity to grow and flourish. You will still have to work hard as success is not guaranteed and will not be handed to you on a plate. However, if you are willing to work hard, your dreams will be achieved.


Blocked Meaning

Card Theme: Anxiety

The Seven of Pentacles suggests that you have found yourself at a plateau. Maybe you have found yourself feeling that the current path is becoming less and less relevant to you. Perhaps you have felt a lack of enthusiasm in pursuing your dreams.

Maybe you are experiencing disappointment or a failure in an enterprise. Financial difficulties are possibly causing you to worry and be concerned. It’s time to change your attitudes and revisit your road map. Stop procrastinating. Time could be running out. It would help if you started fully engaging in your work or the lifestyle you have.

And regardless, you may find yourself feeling discouraged with slow or no progress in your career or improvement in your finances. Be careful not to let opportunities slip away. It’s time to take action: Any decision is better than no decision at all.

Listen to your inner voice.