The Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana

Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups shows a hand emerging from a cloud holding a golden cup. The cup is overflowing; you can see five water streams gently falling into the lake below. Water Lillies are floating on the surface of the water. A white dove is descending down into the cup. In its beak, you will […]

Card Theme: Inspiration
Element: Water

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Ace of Swords

A hand appears from a cloud. It is holding an upright sword. At the top of the Sword is a gold crown with a wreath. This symbolizes victory. The landscape below is rocky and barren. Aces always represent the possibility of new beginnings. The message of the Ace of Swords is that ideas that you […]

Card Theme: Breakthrough
Element: Air

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Ace of Pentacles

We see the Ace of Pentacles with a hand outstretched from a cloud. It’s holding a Pentacle. The scene is lush, and the garden has a spring-like look full of trees and flowers. The Ace of Pentacles is a really positive card. You can see it as the doorway into new opportunities or maybe even […]

Card Theme: Prosperity
Element: Earth

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